
超级火的广场舞蹈教学视频下载A:What's the temperature today?今天的温度是几度? B:It's -4 to 3℃.

宠物店创业的目标案 What is the temperature today? 补上完整版. What's today's temperature? What temperature is it today? How many degrees is it today?

宝宝肝功能谷转氨酶600案 The temperature today is 9 to 24 degree Celcius.

有眼镜怎么戴墨镜案 The temperature here in the day is 15 degrees centigrade.

幼儿园农耕园的宣传案 What's the temperature today?

付姓的好名字.全what is the temperature today ?its minus 2 degree

动物园到西客站坐几路车案 The weather today is about from 8 degrees Celsius to 13 degrees Celsius.今天的天气是从8摄氏度至13摄氏度左右。

腿部健身 闹钟健身e.act centigrade What's the e.act centigrade of the temperature today? 今天气温多少度?

李人一简介 作品价格案 What's the temperature

摄氏度 英文翻译
