重庆地面温度怎么回事案 weather forecast或report
好乐day舞蹈教学视频案 1) 天气weather晴天sunny 阴天cloudy ./中/.雨 light rain/moderate rain/heavy rain 霾 haze(dust-storm) 轻/重雾 mist/fog 雹 hail e.g. Monday's predominant weather is
哎呀妈呀歌曲案 weather forecasting 应该此位置是动名词,天气预报的名词形式就是weather forecast
湖北省长江三峡天气预报案 Weather report 加不加 S 得看你说的是一个天气预报,还是很多天气预报. 如果你说的只是一个,那就不用加 S. 如果你说的是两三个天气预报,那就要加 S. 不过一般来说
孕妇总孕晕案 它每天都有当日的天气预报 It has a daily weather forcast. 做天气预报 to make a weather report.
1993.10.29是什么星座案 it's cool this morning ,temperature is 10 degrees, in the afternoon,it will turn warm,temperature will be 10 degrees
聊城.昌府区未来15天天气案 weather forecast weather report The weather report says we are in for a storm. 天气预报说将会有风暴。 I don't usually listen ot the weather. They never get it right. 我不怎么